Text Marker

Create custom text markers, enabling quick navigation to specific paragraphs. Please read the 'Learn More About This Tool' section to understand how to use this tool properly and learn about its limitations.

Please use the link from the Share feature of the content, not the URL from the address bar.

Have you counted the title as a paragraph?

If you did not count the title, select 'No,' and the tool will count it for you.
The title is considered paragraph number 1, and the first actual paragraph or subtitle is paragraph number 2.

Have you counted the header as a paragraph?

If you did not count the header, select 'No,' and the tool will count it for you. If there is no header, select 'Not Applicable.'
The header is located above the title, making the title paragraph number 2 and the first actual paragraph or subtitle paragraph number 3.

Learn More About This Tool

Where To Use This Tool

This tool is designed to help you create paragraph links for articles on jw.org®. By entering the specific paragraph number from the web version of an article, the tool generates a unique URL that directs publishers straight to the desired paragraph. This tool is especially useful when you want to share a particular section of an article with others, ensuring they are automatically directed to the exact content you wish to highlight. Additionally, it allows you to save these links for future reference, making it easier to revisit important information without having to navigate through the entire article.

How to Use This Tool

This tool may be complicated to use for some publishers. If you are struggling to use this tool, it is recommended to use the JW Web Add-on instead. Follow these basic steps to use this tool:

  1. Go to jw.org and open your desired article.
  2. Look for the paragraph you want to create a URL link for.
  3. Count the paragraphs from the beginning of the article to the desired paragraph.
  4. Remember to count the title and header as paragraphs if necessary. These are considered paragraph 1 or 2, respectively.
  5. If the article is in a question-and-answer format, skip the questions as they are counted after all other paragraphs.
  6. Once you have the paragraph number, copy the URL from the Share feature, enter it in the input box, and enter the paragraph number in the next input box.
  7. Follow all other instructions in the form and submit.
  8. After submission, a generated link with the paragraph number will be shown. You can now save or share it.

Limitations Of This Tool

This tool has limitations, especially regarding how paragraphs are numbered. The paragraph numbers written in the text do not correspond to the web paragraph numbers. In fact, the title or heading is also considered a paragraph, usually as paragraph 1 or 2. Adding a paragraph marker to a media content will be ignored by the website.

This tool is not compatible with the following publications:

  1. Online Bibles

These publications have designated text markers that are not compatible with this tool. If you need to create a text marker for these publications, please use the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY.

Also Available

JW Web Add-on

An all-in-one tool for JW websites, providing enhanced functionality, customizable controls, and a more seamless interaction to help you engage with the content easily.

This website is not affiliated with or maintained by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. ("Watchtower").